Doors are open NOW for Founding Members đź’«
Don't delay - this price will go up as soon as the Founding Member Spots are filled!

Save $500 for the next 72 hrs only

Are You Ready to Build a Wildly Successful Reiki Business Online?

It's time to cut through the maze and mystery around setting up and building a thriving healing business online, so you can turn your Reiki certifications, passion and experience into your own profitable, meaningful and booked-out practice, overflowing with dream clients and more opportunities to help the people you were born to serveđź’ś

Introducing Reiki Business School®
 From Reiki Practitioner to Successful  Reiki Entrepreneurđź’«

This is the missing Reiki training Level or Manual every Reiki Professional needs to start building a rewarding, sustainable and meaningful healing business online with more freedom, income and impact...Even if you have zero business experience, no online audience, no technical skills and no idea where to start (...or you've been struggling for years to build your practice online on your own without seeing results)! 

This is the Foundational Roadmap for any Intuitive Practitioner wanting to build to a wildly Successful Spiritual Business Online

It's time to take the guesswork out of exactly what to do to make a real living online as a Healing Practitioner & Teacher.

We've distilled our knowledge and expertise from over 3 decades online into one simple easy-to-follow 7-week program to help you start, grow and scale your spiritual business online. So you have a clear path to attracting more perfect-fit clients and students into your business...with online offers that you feel confident promoting...and simple tools that enable you to increase the new leads coming in your business every single day.

↓ Keep scrolling to see everything that's included↓

This Programme will help you...

Effortlessly fill your Reiki & Spiritual Practice Online with more clients and students 
Turn your passion into a profitable business that makes the world a better place
Create and price your own unique online offers to monitise your magic in a way that feels authentic and energetically rewarding
Have the ability to attract a steady flow of new leads into your business with a highly engaged email list
Become a Sought After Expert In the spiritual industry with your own community of loyal fans who can’t wait to work with you
Expand your reach online so you can start serving the best people, not just the closest.
Build the structure to make bookings and sales every day with more ease and confidence
Unlock your business' greatest money-making asset
Save yourself thousands of dollars, dozens of hours per week and a whole lotta stress by sidestepping the pitfalls that plague most new spiritual entrepreneurs.
Lay the foundations to build the business you've always dreamed of, to unlock more freedom, fulfilment and income doing what you love.

...And so much more!

If you've found your way here, you're probably a healing business owner or you're exploring the entrepreneurial side of your practice....

Let me know if this sounds a little familiar?

You've probably had clients tell you how great you are and how much you have helped them find peace and healing...'ve invested a lot of time honing your healing skillset and you know you have a deeper calling to share your gifts with the world...

...but finding your next client or student (and the next and the next) can all feel like an uphill battle...especially when you are trying to stand out online within a vast sea of equally qualified and passionate Reiki and spiritual professionals and holistic service-providers.'ve seen other intuitive practitioners making moves online, but you still have a million questions about how this whole thing works...and how to get noticed online by the right people who are actually willing to invest in your services...

...If you're nodding your head and the business side of Reiki feels overwhelming, complicated or frustrating, then you're in the right place and we're glad you found you way here...

Because the Truth is:

Whilst figuring out how to reach new students and transform lives shouldn’t feel like a struggle...or make you doubt whether your cut our for this...

Unfortunately most Reiki training doesn't tell you how to set yourself up for success and grow your own thriving practice online.

You go through the levels of Reiki training, get your certification and then you are kind of just left to figure it out with no tangible next steps.

There is often this assumption that you are just going to magically start attracting a sustainable and consistent stream of the right clients the moment you set up shop, launch your website or start posting on social media...

...but no matter how great your Reiki sessions and Workshops are, or how many energy qualifications you have, or even how pure your intentions are to help others with your business…without a strategic plan to effortlessly attract a client base primed to purchase everything you put out there, launching and growing your heart-centered business online can all feel like you’re shooting in the dark…

You can piece together ad-hoc advice from online gurus who don't understand Reiki...but it can all just feel like guesswork...

...which can leave you sacrificing hours of time and energy on short-lived tactics that feel forced and don't deliver meaningful results or revenue...or only attract time-wasting clients who aren’t serious about paying for your services...

We get it. We've been there too. And sadly we've seen countless Reiki Practitioners forced to abandon their soul work because they can't get any clients or make enough money to support their practice!

...But what if I told you it doesn't have to be that way?...

Because This is exactly where Reiki Business School® comes in!

We’ve taken everything we’ve learned from building one of the most successful global Reiki brands and communities out there today and created the ultimate Reiki Business playbook™ that hands you the essential building blocks for constructing a wildly successful business online, one tiny, manageable, micro-step at a time....

It's time to go from “I have no idea how to make this work” to a Fully-Booked industry leader with a loyal list of "I can't wait to work with you" superfans that are ready to pay you generously for your transformative services.

Reiki Business School Level 1® Will give you the skills, stragety and resources you need to turn your passion for healing into as thriving online Business. And It’s Officially OPEN For Enrollment for a limted time!

It's time to launch, grow & book-out your soul business online with intention  & confidence

This simple, step-by-step, 7-Week Programme will show you how to stand out and get booked out. So you can effortlessly communicate your message, attract the kind of dream clients that you genuinely love showing up for and sell your transformative services and offers with ease…

…it's like a trusted GPS for your entrepreneurial Journey - so you can avoid the detours and jams that keep most spiritual entrepreneurs stuck…saving you years of expensive and painful trial and error...

Lock in one of our Limited Founding Member Spots & Save $500

Building a Successful Reiki Business just got easier...(and a whole lot less stressful!)

Here's How Reiki Business School® Works

Just like Reiki involves a series of training steps as you build your energy skillset as a Practitioner, successful businesses aren't built over night or in one big defining moment - they are built intentionally step by step as you build your skillset as a Spiritual Business Owner and Intuitive Entrepreneur.

There are no quick-fixes or magic bullets.

Which is why we know one single tip OR 'promise-all' tactic isn't going to help you create a meaningful and long-lasting business that authentically honours your gifts and enables you to build and nurture your own community online.

The REAL pathway to sustainable success is made up of a series of intentional steps that lead to a steady flow of clients, income that you can count on, and growth that keeps you moving forward. Which is why we have broken our business training into easily digestible Levels that that you can work through at your own pace, so you can lay down the groundwork for success one strategic step at a time, without the stress and overwhelm of figuring everything out on your own.

Reiki Business School® Level 1 is the essential starting point for your spiritual business journey.

By the end of the Programme you'll not only have laid all the core foundations you need for your spiritual business to thrive online, but you'll gain the indispensable tools and knowledge necessary to effortlessly attract your first or next paying clients on repeat, creating irresistible offers that fill your practice with unprecedented ease.

No more winging it...🎯

The only real thing standing between you and the business of your dreams is a simple, proven, step-by-step plan....and the right guidance to help you implement it. Reiki Business School® Level 1 is the complete roadmap to getting started, getting clients and building your own highly engaged community online. This is the ONLY Reiki Business programme of it's kind dedicated exclusively to helping Reiki Entrepreneurs start and attract clients online based on over 27 years of experience running a successful spiritual brand. 

So you can take a deep breath now and release any worry you have about figuring this business and client-attraction stuff all out on your own. Finally our Soulful Success Pathway™ is here to light the way!

Access Weekly video training walking you through the proven strategies we personally use to attract and book clients, so you have more flexibility to practice and teach on your own terms 
Download Your Weekly Workbooks with activities to help you start taking practical action in your own business.
Unlock powerful and strategic bonuses as you work through the programme, with done-for-you templates to accelerate your success! 
Swap generic business advice, for niche-specific insights and personalised examples that make sense to lightworkers.
We believe in keeping things refreshingly simple so you have a streamlined plan you can follow from start to finish.

You Dream Clients are waiting for you...đź’š

Spiritual businesses are in demand now more than ever before. The global wellness industry, including spiritual self-care, has grown to $4.5 trillion and is set to hit $7 Trillion by 2025. We live in the greatest era of all time to build wealth online.

There is no question that there are customers online right now searching for the type of Reiki and Wellness products, services and programmes you currently supply or could supply to them in the future. You just need a system so those people can find you. And we can show you a system that works.

It's time to blend the heart of a healer with the mind of a business leader and STEP INTO YOUR FULL POTENTIAL AS A SPIRITUAL CEO.

Here's all the good things you can expect from the Reiki Business School® Level 1 when you enrol during this limited time period:

Your Reiki Business School® Level 1 Membership is bursting with amazing benefits, with everything you need to start and grow a profitable, sustainable and meaningful spiritual business online, one simple step at a time.  

Week 1: From Vision to Victory - Activating the Mindset of a 6-Figure Spiritual  CEO

Believe me it is no coincidence that some people change the world and make 6 or 7 figures, whilst others give up before they even really get started. The web is full of abandoned social media accounts, web domains perpetually under construction, and well-intentioned and well-qualified aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs who never follow through on their ideas and dreams. 
The simple fact is that successful entrepreneurs think differently to struggling and overworked business owners. And you have to first expand your mindset, in order to expand your earning potential and impact. Which is why this first week is going to help you embrace the entrepreneurial mindset that you need to flourish as a successful self-made spiritual entrepreneur. 
Get ready to shatter any limiting beliefs holding you back, because the skills you'll acquire this week will revolutionize your approach to business, your mindset, and ultimately, your results.

Week 2: Crystal Clear Clarity on Your Path to Profit

It's time to say goodbye to having a fuzzy business idea and hoping for the best, because we're here to help you get specific about your business’ own unique positioning in the spiritual market, so your clients can instantly understand how you can help them and why they should work with you over everyone else. 
Discover how to use the Clarity Trifecta™ to get beautiful crystal clear clarity on the three essential elements that'll serve as your business compass, guiding you straight to the business of your wildest dreams. (Because wasting time, energy, and money on the wrong direction is nobody's idea of fun!)
This foundation will help you communicate the value of your products or services effectively, so you can charge a fee that feels rewarding and only work with clients who light you up! 

Week 3: Your Digital Aura: How to Build a Memorable Brand & Magnetic Online Presence

Branding is all the intentional steps you take to create positive impressions and experiences for your clients so people feel good doing business with you.
Sadly, when it comes to branding, a lot of people just throw a mishmash of words and ideas and colours out there, but the truth is successful Reiki brands have a really clear idea of how they want to present their business to the world and how they want to be remembered.
Unlock the insider secrets to creating a spiritual brand that is irresistible(even if you have zero design skills!)- one that radiates authenticity and exudes credibility and professionalism. So you can create endless demand for your services and command premium prices that match the transformative services you provide.

Week 4: Consistent Clients

Take full control of the new leads flowing into your business with the Let Clients Flow™ Method so you can build an email list that supports your business for years to come.
Email is the most important asset you can have in your business and we're going to show you what to send, what to say and how to nurture a waitlist of people lining up to work with you so you can stop wondering where your next client will come from
Never launch a new offer or idea to crickets again with your very own audience of raving fans.
Discover how you can turn email into your #1 sales channel, with uncomplicated tools to help you see daily subscriber growth (even if you’re starting at 0.)

Week 5: Content Alchemy- Creating Content that Converts

Get ready to level up your marketing game as you master the art of authentic client outreach—so every communication feels genuine and positions you as a trusted authority in your field.
We'll teach you how to create content like a seasoned pro and show up online in a way that not only captivates your audience but also drives them to take the next step to find out more about your services and offers
You will finish this module with the strategic blueprint to consistently share value-packed, client-attracting content that will increase your visibility and organically grow your audience...whatever the platform, and whatever the algorithm. 
So you can say goodbye to hours of tedious content creation and hello to a streamlined process that maximizes your exposure and only requires one day of planning a month(...leaving you with more time to do what you love!)

Graduate with Reiki Business School®  Certification

Whether you are a seasoned spiritual practitioner or just starting your business, this course contains everything you need to build a meaningful, profitable business online.

But wait! There's more!

We believe in bonuses...

To make sure you have every resource you need to propel your practice to new heights of success and profitability, you'll get exclusive access to an ever-growing library of super hacks with guides, templates, swipe files, cheat-sheets and checklists. No more without hunting for scattered resources, it's all in one place...

Pick our Brains

The experts at the RBS are here to answer all your burning business questions. We will share our own tools and strategies, to demystify what it really takes to succeed online. No gatekeeping!

Done-For You Resources

A blank page is every business owner's worse enemy - let us give you the templates you need so that you are never starting from scratch. From Do-it-Yourself to Done-for-You...

Real Walkthroughs, Demos and Feedback

Instead of trying to explain new tech and systems, we will give you walk-throughs, behind-the-scenes videos and helpful demos to simplify the tech side of things, and help you get unstuck!

Plus if you Join as a Founding Member Today You'll Unlock these Extra Bonuses for FREE:

Bonus 1: Instagram Growth Hacks Workshop (valued at $397)

How to grow you audience on Instagram

Learn the stress-free techniques I used to grow my Instagram following to 30k!
& discover how to foster meaningful interactions with your audience, to increase Engagement, Stand Out From The Crowd, and turn your followers into paying clients.
Unlock the power of video Reels! Create video content in a way that is not scary! Steal my shortcuts to creating scroll-stopping Reels in no time, with captions and videos that convert (even if you don't want to show you face on social media!)

Bonus 2: AI Advantage Workshop for Reiki Professionals(valued at $497)

Learn how to leverage AI properly to get your own free Virtual Assistant

Unlock the full potential of ChatGPT with this masterclass which unveils the strategic ways you can integrate AI into your Reiki business
Explore my curated collection of user-friendly ChatGPT prompts designed for enhancing your social media presence, speeding up content creation, and optimising your marketing.

Bonus 3: Elevate Your Website Masterclass (valued at $397)

Transform your website into a non-stop lead machine

A beautiful website is useless if no one can find it. We'll show you how to transform your website into a powerful asset for your business to increase your chances of being discovered by potential clients and customers.

Bonus 4: Abundant Entrepreneur Meditation Bundle (valued at $97)

A collection of guided meditations specifically tailored to support spiritual entrepreneurs.

These guided visualizations will help you tap into the limitless potential within you and bring your dreams to life. Explore powerful meditations are designed to elevate your mindset, align your energy, and propel you toward the financial abundance you deserve.

Bonus 5: How to Protect Your Spiritual Business Workshop (valued at $297)

Fortify your spiritual business against potential legal challenges

From legal considerations and intellectual property protection to maintaining ethical boundaries, this workshop is a comprehensive exploration of the protective measures vital for the longevity and integrity of your spiritual business.

Bonus 6: Scaling Secrets (valued at $297)

How to scale beyond 1:1 work when your fully booked

Move more dream clients into your services and programmes on autopilot, so you can scale your monthly revenue without having to increase your workload!
Learn ways to avoid burnout as a Spiritual Entrepreneur so how you can stay in the game for the long-haul.

That’s A Total Real-World Value of $1,982 in Bonuses.

But the best bit of all is...

You'll be supported at every step

As a VIP (Very Important Practitioner) you'll have an invaluable priority pass to the Reiki Business School Mentors, so you can get all your questions answered  during you time in the programme. 

Because when you are stuck, we know there is nothing more valuable then talking to someone who has been where you are! When you join the Reiki Business School, you won’t be left to figure things out by yourself.  You will get: 

Priority Email Support as you work through the 5-Week programme.
Ongoing Support in our Exclusive Private Reiki Business School® Level 1 Community where we add tips, Q&As and extra bonuses. Plus you can connect with like-minded Reiki Biz Schoolers building their spiritual empires along with you.
You'll be energized, motivated, and ready to conquer new challenges every time you log in to our training hub. Our online platform is accessible from anywhere, making it convenient for you to learn on your terms, whether it's during your morning coffee or a quick break during a busy day.

Plus: With LIFETIME access to Reiki Business School® Level 1, you'll access every single future update of the Level 1 programme for free! if something changes in the world of online business and marketing (which happens a lot), we will update the programme so you're always ahead of the curve and in the know...for extra peace of mind!

Are you ready to invest in yourself and your future and start building the spiritual business of your dreams?

You could do it on you're own and wait to see what could happen, or you could give yourself the BEST chance and commit to making things really happen this year with the one programme designed especially for you. Swap stress for progress.

Reiki Business School® Level 1 

lock in a Founding Member Price at a huge saving of $500 if you Join before spaces run out

Just $1997 $1497

Save $500 and Access all of these amazing Founding Member benefits:

Access the 5-week Soulful Success Pathway™ core training program to set up your online Reiki business for growth and success + get more clients and students (worth $1997)
Access to dedicated business coaches with Exclusive Priority Email Support from the Reiki Business School® Team for the 5 Week Programme (Value $597)
Ongoing Support in the Private Reiki Business School® Level 1 Community  (Value $697)
Growing Library of Resources packed with exclusive templates, Done-for-you swipe files and checklists (Value $597)
Bonus #1: The Instagram Growth Hacks Workshop(Value $397) 
Bonus #2: The AI Advantage Workshop (Value $497) 
Bonus #3: The Elevate Your Website Workshop(Value $297) 
Bonus #4: Abundant Entrepreneur Meditation Bundle (Value $97)
Bonus #5: How to Protect Your Spiritual Business Online Workshop(Value $297)
Bonus #6: Scaling Secrets (valued at $297)
Lifetime Access to REIKI BUSINESS SCHOOL® LEVEL 1  including any future bonus masterclasses and advanced trainings added to the course(Priceless!)

That's Over $5,770 worth of Value for Just $1997 Now $1497

Don't hesitate - Once these spots are filled, the programme will never be this price again

From Stuck to Booked Solid

Imagine how it would feel to...

Break through self-sabotaging mindsets that keep you playing small or undercharging, and step into the role of Spiritual CEO, with unstoppable belief in your purpose, your value and your offers.
Feel confident putting yourself out there online, with crystal-clear clarity on your own profitable niche, so you can carve out your own unique corner of the internet where people can't help but stop and take notice. 
Stop chasing clients and students and wake up to messages from followers saying "what you said really spoke to me, how can I work with you?"
Have the freedom to focus on creating content that you love - giving your best-self to your clients and customers...whilst still having time for you!
Have a toolkit of timeless and manageable marketing strategies that actually work so you always have ways to attract new clients when you need them.
Experience the joy of building a thriving and engaged community on social media, where every post sparks lively conversations and meaningful interactions rather than just  feeling like your shouting into the void.
Remove the pressure and stress of having to figure out everything on your own because you have all the info you need to get started in less time
Work with a mentor who has successfully built an online business from scratch that is recession-proof and pandemic-proof, who has dedicated 3 decades to supporting Reiki Professionals on their business journey.

Your breakthrough is closer than you think...

In case we haven't met yet...

Hi, I'm Garry

I'm the Founder of the Reiki Healing Association® and the Reiki Business School®

Like most Practitioners who find their way to Reiki, Reiki changed my life, and I was determined to help others experience the same transformations. So I followed the traditional route of working with local clients and students, following the advice of my Reiki Teacher. But I quickly found myself trapped chasing new clients every month as I was limited by just working in-person in my local area. 

I knew I could help more people, so I took my practice online in 1997 and that's when everything changed. I'll be honest with you - it took me a long time to work everything out on my ownBut after a lot of frustration, mistakes and a huge investment in training and mentorship, things finally started to click. 

I figured out the activities that resulted in more clients, more students and more income, and less burnout and overwhelm, and focused solely on those strategies. Knowing the difference between what actually worked and what was a waste of my precious time and energy was game-changing for my business. 

The outdated business model that I was taught when I started out didn't help me create the impact and legacy I wanted. So, I made my own formula for building a profitable and sustainable spiritual business online. And this is what I want to share with you in the Reiki Business School™ Level 1 programme. This is he exact framework I wish my Reiki Teacher had given to me when I started building and growing my business online.

Reiki Business School Level 1® is so much more than a course, its a MOVEMENT towards a new Reiki Business Model...One with endless opportunities and more stability for ambitious and purpose-driven spiritual practitioners who want to make a living making a difference to people's lives!

Will this work for me?

This programme is for any Reiki or Holistic Practitioner, Coach or Teacher who not wants to start and grow a meaningful, profitable business online. Level 1 of Reiki Business School® is specifically designed to lay the essential foundations for your business, enabling you to attract a steady flow of new potential clients and students to grow both your community and revenue. So if your in the early stages of your business, you’ve recently started over, or you're ready to take on more clients, this programme is for you!

This program is FOR YOU if:

You're looking for direction: The "Hoping for the best" strategy has worn thin, and waiting around for clients just isn't cutting it anymore. You want to get rid of the the overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to start and you're in need of a game plan to bring you up to speed quickly.
You're looking for growth: You have a greater dream and vision of where you want your business to be and believe you can get there. You’re ready to learn, you’re determined to succeed and you just want to roll your sleeves up and get stuck in. You just need some support and the right step-by-step plan to get you there!
You're looking for focus: Shiny object syndrome is real. But bouncing from one thing to the next only leaves you struggling to gain traction. It's time to break free from the procrastination-overwhelm cycle and commit to one practical framework to help you take action straight-away and make things super simple!
You're looking for Results: We believe in learning by doing. Our training materials are hands-on and action-oriented, empowering you to apply your newfound knowledge immediately. No more theory without practice. You’ll get access to a bunch of hands-on exercises to give you an inside look at what works and why.

It is NOT for you if...

You’re expecting overnight results without doing the work
You want to spend all day on social media, post in Facebook groups looking for clients
You are happy to leave things to chance
You are already making 6 Figures+ and have set up your business foundations. 

Build a business, not a hobby.

Here's A Reminder of Exactly what You Get For only $1997 $1497 if you join today...

Just imagine where YOU could be in 6 or 12 months time if you took the first step today? How much more progress could you make? How much more money could you earn? How much more of an impact could you have? Think about all  the opportunities waiting to unfold. Why not embark on the journey to turn those visions into a reality right at this moment. The power to shape your future is in your hands!

Reiki Business School™ Level 1 

lock in a Founding Member Price at a huge saving of $500 if you Join before spaces run out

Just $1997 Now $1497

Save $500 and Access all of these amazing benefits:

Access the 5-week Soulful Success Pathway™ core training program to set up your online Reiki business for growth and success + get more clients and students (worth $1997)
Access to dedicated business coaches with Exclusive Priority Email Support from the Reiki Business School® Team for the 5 Week Programme (Value $597)
Ongoing Support in the Private Reiki Business School® Level 1 Community  (Value $697)
Growing Library of Resources packed with exclusive templates, Done-for-you swipe files and checklists (Value $597)
Bonus #1: The Instagram Growth Hacks Workshop(Value $397) 
Bonus #2: The AI Advantage Workshop (Value $497) 
Bonus #3: The Elevate Your Website Workshop(Value $297) 
Bonus #4: Abundant Entrepreneur Meditation Bundle (Value $97)
Bonus #5: How to Protect Your Spiritual Business Online Workshop(Value $297)
Bonus #6: Scaling Secrets (valued at $297)
Lifetime Access to REIKI BUSINESS SCHOOL® LEVEL 1  including any future bonus masterclasses and advanced trainings added to the course(Priceless!)

That's Over $5,770 worth of Value for Just $1997 Now $1497

Don't hesitate - Once these spots are filled, the programme will never be this price again

Reiki Business School™ VIP(Limited to 5 Spots)


Sold Out

Everything in the BASIC and PRO package, plus:

Access the 5-week Soulful Success Pathway™ core training program to set up your online Reiki business for growth and success + get more clients and students (worth $1997)
Access to dedicated business coaches with Exclusive Priority Email Support from the Reiki Business School® Team for the 5 Week Programme (Value $597)
Ongoing Support in the Private Reiki Business School® Level 1 Community  (Value $697)
Growing Library of Resources packed with exclusive templates, Done-for-you swipe files and checklists (Value $597)

Need more information? Here’s What Your Fellow Biz Schoolers Have Asked Before Clicking Enroll.

What makes Reiki Business School® different from other training programs?

We believe in keeping things refreshingly simple here at Reiki Business School®, because I know a lot of people over complicate everything to do with business, and there is so much distracting and misleading information out there that doesn't value the unique needs of spiritual practitioners.

That's why we've chosen a completely different approach with our business training, one that values your time and respects your busy schedule. Because, the last thing we wanted to do was overwhelm you with a massive, bloated, time-consuming business course that you'll never have the time to complete or actually implement. So instead we've broken down our training into easily digestible Levels that you can work through at your own pace.

This completely unique approach delivers the most relevant information in the shortest time possible, allowing you to concentrate on building a business that lasts and client list that you genuinely love showing up for.

With Reiki Business School®, you'll find a clear path, practical guidance, and a supportive community to help you achieve your goals with confidence. We are here to help you take your spiritual business to a whole new level of success, guiding you step-by-step towards the results you crave, without the worry of having to figure out this brand-building and client attraction stuff on your own, or the overwhelm of of trying to do everything all at once.

Unlike generic courses, our curriculum has been carefully curated to help ambitious and passionate Reiki entrepreneurs build a successful Reiki practice online. We are sharing real world business experience and first-hand insight from 3 decades online, so you can avoid the pitfalls that trip up most entrepreneurs. By the end of the program, you'll have a solid foundation for sustained success.

Who is this programme for?

Reiki Business School® Level 1 is for any Reiki or Holistic Practitioner or Teacher who not only wants to start and grow a meaningful, profitable business online. Level 1 of Reiki Business School is specifically designed to lay the essential foundations for your business, enabling you to attract your first or next clients more effortlessly. 

Whether you are starting your Reiki business from scratch, or you have already set up your business and need a little more help attracting clients and making more consistent and predictable income online; Reiki Business School® Level 1 has been designed exclusively for you.

What if i practice other modalities other than Reiki? Can I take this programme?

Absolutely! The foundational business strategies and insights in this programme are applicable to any purpose-driven spiritual or holistic Practitioner, Coach or Teacher who wants to make a living making a difference to people's lives. Whether you work with energy healing, holistic health therapies, or other spiritual modalities or combine several modalities in your business, the program provides universal principles that can be customized to suit your specific practice. The goal is to empower all spiritual entrepreneurs, with the tools and knowledge they need to elevate their business and spiritual impact, regardless of the modalities they specialize in. So, rest assured, you'll find immense value in our program, no matter what modalities you practice. 

Why are Founding Member Spot Limited?

We are absolutely dedicated to making sure each and every one of our Founding members succeeds. Founding members get to shape the programme and enjoy special benefits and early access to resources, making their journey with Reiki Business School® Level 1 even more rewarding. Act quickly to secure your spot and be part of this exclusive group of trailblazers!

This seems too good to be true. What's the catch?

We understand that the abundance of value offered by Reiki Business School® may raise questions. However, rest assured, there's no catch. Our commitment is to provide a transformative and enriching experience for spiritual entrepreneurs and this programme has spent years in the making. I know some people can't afford private 1:1 coaching and business mentorship, especially when they are first starting out, so I created this self-paced programme to to ensure accessibility without compromising on quality. There are no hidden fees, no gimmicks, no catch—just an opportunity to elevate your practice and business to new heights. If you have followed the Reiki Healing Association over the last 30 years you will know that we genuinely care about helping Reiki Practitioners succeed. Our passion is to empower individuals like you to thrive in your spiritual business journey. Join us with confidence and discover the genuine value Reiki Business School® brings to your entrepreneurial path.

I'm just starting out... Do I need to already have a business to join?

Not at all! Reiki Business School® Level 1 welcomes spiritual entrepreneurs at all stages of their business journey, including those just starting out. Whether you're in the early stages of building your practice or contemplating starting a business, the program is designed to provide foundational knowledge and actionable strategies that help you to establish a strong foundation to build your spiritual business from the ground up. Joining Reiki Business School® as a beginner is a fantastic way to set the right course for your entrepreneurial venture and ensure that you build it on a solid and spiritually aligned foundation.

I don't have any audience. Will this still work?

Absolutely! Our program is designed to help you build your audience from scratch. We'll guide you through step-by-step strategies to attract your ideal audience, engage with them effectively, and grow your following authentically. Whether you're starting with zero followers or have a small audience, our techniques will empower you to reach and connect with the right people for your business. So, rest assured, this program is perfect for beginners looking to establish a strong and engaged community online.

I'm not great with tech. Will this still work?

Absolutely! We understand that navigating the tech side of things can feel overwhelming. That's why our program is designed with simplicity in mind, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of tech skills. So, whether you're a tech whiz or just getting started, rest assured that our program is designed to work for you so you to confidently navigate the digital landscape and implement effective strategies to grow your online presence.

I've been in business for years. Is this just for newbies?

No, not at all! If you've found yourself encountering roadblocks, experiencing a slowdown in growth, or feeling like progress is not aligning with your aspirations, or you just want to check that you have built the right foundations to start scaling your business - this programme is for you! Reiki Business School® Level 1 is here to provide the guidance, strategies, and support you need to create the momentum you've been striving for. Join us, and let's transform those obstacles into opportunities for lasting success.

Will taking my practice online negatively affect my In-person business?

Absolutely not! Contrary to common misconceptions, taking your Reiki practice online can actually enhance your in-person business. By expanding your reach beyond your local area, you'll attract more of your ideal clients and students into your Reiki business, allowing you to enjoy greater flexibility and freedom in your schedule.

When you transition your practice online, you break free from the limitations of geography, opening up a world of possibilities for your business. Suddenly, your potential customer base expands from a small community to a global audience, giving you the opportunity to share your message with the world in a much more impactful way.

With the ability to reach a broader audience, you'll begin to build a real legacy and make a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals. So, far from negatively affecting your in-person business, taking your practice online can unlock new levels of success and fulfilment for both you and your business. 

What happens once I have joined The Reiki Business School Level 1?

We will email you within a few minutes and you will receive your login details! 

How do I access my bonuses?

We will email you within a few minutes and you will receive your login details! The Programme officially starts on January 1st 2024, but you will be able to watch the onboarding videos to get settled in.

Do you have a refund policy?

After helping thousands of people start + scale their online businesses, we are confident that the strategies inside of our courses WORK (if you do!) and for this reason, we do not offer refunds under any circumstances. Please make sure you are 100% committed before enrolling - and we are happy to answer any questions you have to make sure the bundle is the right fit for you beforehand! E-mail and we'll be happy to help you out!

How long do I have access to Reiki Business School Level 1?

We genuinely want to help you progress and respect your unique journey, which is why you have full access to the Reiki Business School Level 1for life, so you can revisit and re-watch the videos as many times as you like as you continue to grow and elevate your business. There's no rush, no imposed deadlines, and absolutely no hustle culture here, which means if you don't have time to start right away, that's totally fine! 

What if I want to take  Reiki Business School® Level 2?

To ensure you're fully prepared to maximize your experience and benefit from all that Reiki Business School® Level 2 has to offer, completing Reiki Business School® Level 1 is a prerequisite. This ensures that you have the necessary foundational knowledge, skills, and insights to make the most of your Level 2 journey and thrive as a spiritual entrepreneur.

By completing Level 1 first, you'll set yourself up for success and unlock the full potential of your Reiki Business School® experience. So, if you're ready to take your business to the next level, completing Level 1 is the perfect first step on your journey toward spiritual entrepreneurship mastery!

Is there any live support?

There is a peer-led networking community for peer support, feedback and networking!

Can I complete the program at my own pace?

Yes, flexibility is key. While the program is structured as a 5-week journey, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace as the content is accessible after the 5 weeks for LIFE, allowing you to revisit your training and bonuses at your convenience. Everything is recorded (nothing is live), so you'll be able to work at your own pace, with Workbooks and tools to help you take action when you are ready! 

What ongoing support is provided after completing the program?

Your journey doesn't end after the 5 weeks. As a graduate of Reiki Business School® Level 1, you have exclusive access to the Reiki Business School® Level 1 Community. You will be grandfathered into all updates and new bonuses every time we open the doors to Reiki Business School® Level 1, which means you our commitment to your success extends beyond the program.

The best time to start building a business online  was yesterday. The next best time is today.

Reiki Business School®
Level 1: From Reiki Practitioner to Successful Reiki Entrepreneurđź’«

Start, Grow & Book-out Your own Thriving Online Reiki Practice, Filled With an Abundance of Clients (without the burn-out & overwhelm)

Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and our other channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Running an online business carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our Refund Policy, we provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services.

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