Please Watch This First
Distant Attunement Booking Form
* IMPORTANT NOTE: We are based in the UK. However, our automated attunement booking system will convert our available attunement time slots in the UK and show them to you in your local time automatically. So, you do not need to worry about any time differences as the avilable times you see and can pick from are based on your LOCAL TIME.
We Also Send You A Booking Confirmation Email. Please Check Your Inbox or Junk Folder In Case Your Email System Mistakenly Filtered Out Our Email
Use the Link In Our Confirmation Email If You Need To Cancel or Reschedule Your Attunement. We Cannot Do It For You.
Still Need Help? Please Check Out The FAQ's Below
Q: Where are you based? What time zone?
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are based in the UK – Time Zone GMT London.
Our automated attunement booking system will show available time slots to you based on your LOCAL Time. The system uses your IP address to work out which country and time zone you are located in. So when selecting the time slot you would like for your attunement, remember the available time slots are based on your local time zone.
You DO NOT need to worry about what time is in the UK, as you will only see available time slots that have been converted to your own personal local time zone.
Just book the day, date and local time you would like your distant Reiki Attunement, and our system will automatically convert the time zone and update our attunement diary at our end.
You just need to focus on preparing for your attunement.
Q: How Long Does The Reiki Attunement Take?
A: The distant Reiki Attunement Ceremony takes 20-30 minutes to complete.
Q: How do I prepare for my Distant Reiki Attunement?
A: Please watch the video on the Attunement Confirmation page again if you need to for full details of how to prepare for your Reiki Distant Attunement.
Q: Do You Need My Phone Number?
A: No. We do not call you when we perform your Reiki distant attunement.