Healing Hands by Farah
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I’m Farah, a Reiki and Karuna Master. I teach Reiki through workshops and retreats. Also I work as Holistic Energy healer.
I’m a certified hypnotherapist and NLP life coach, certified laughter yoga leader, and a traditional Thai Yoga Massage practitioner. I do essential oil therapy through Rain Drop technique.
I read Tarot cards, and angel cards.
Reiki Healing Session
Reiki Energy Healing session that goes between one hour and a half to two hours, depends on the client’s before and after talks and release. It’s a healing process for all chakras to balance and recharge it, also to remove all emotional blockages and decrease pain. Also it’s known to increase the relaxation mode.
Tarot Card Reader
I read Tarot cards also Oracle angel cards.
Spinal Essential Oil Therapy
I work with specific essential oil set on your spine in a technique named Rain drop.
NLP Life Coach
Who doesn’t need a coach, even a coach needs one.
I work on your feet, hands, ears, and face to heal your inner body.