Meet Our Cover Star – RHA Member Maria Emeterio – Universal Life Magazine
In every issue of Universal Life, we like to make one of our RHA members a Cover star, because we think you guys are changing the world and we are on a mission to showcase you and your Reiki Practices! It’s just one of the unique and leading ways we love to support our RHA members and promote the work their do.
This issue, we featured Maria Emeterio, Founder of Be Blissfully Balanced. And we go to know a little bit about Maria in this interview. We hope you enjoy reading her story!

Meet Maria Emeterio, RHA Member Cover Star
How did you find you way to Reiki Maria?
I’ve known about Reiki since 1990 – my best fried was a Reiki Master. When my first Grandchild Jax passed away I had 3 Reiki Masters do Reiki on my Heart Chakra, I fought it, I didn’t understand what Reiki truly was I thought it would erase all my memories of him. Years later I became very ill and have to be hospitalized. I had a Reiki session following being released from the Hospital, and that changed everything for me. I heard drumming and felt this loving embrace all around me, I felt pure joy for the first time in a very long time. I immediately signed up for my 1st Reiki Level I course, and I have been pursuing all the knowledge that I can regarding Reiki and all the amazing benefits. I’m an Advanced Reiki Master as well a Certified Chakra Master Teacher thanks to your amazing courses at the Reiki Healing Association.
What was your most amazing or memorable Reiki experience to date?
When I first learned Reiki and I felt the Life Force Energy move through my body, I knew right then I needed to share this amazing life changing experience with everyone!! I never knew what it was like to feel my Aura, until I began meditation during Reiki Level I for 30 days. It was the most profound feeling I have ever experienced. I asked my sister-in-law to help me practice Reiki, she agreed and after the session she cried and said she felt so much lighter. She said she knew this was what she needed to shift her perspective in life. She would later become Reiki Level I certified!
What are some of the ways in which you enjoy bringing the reiki principles into your daily life?
I love waking up every morning and reciting the 5 Reiki precepts and doing a mini Reiki healing on myself. I also send long distance Reiki every AM to everyone who has requested Reiki and for anyone who may need a little extra love. I have a copy of the 5 Reiki precepts at my desk at work, just in case I forget to recite them 1st thing in the AM.
Do you have a favourite symbol, hand position or reiki technique?
This is a great questions, I would have to say Cho Ku Rei is my all time favorite. I use this symbol daily! I CKR everything, from my cell phone to my steering wheel in my car. I love feeling that I’m protected. I love to use CKR as mush as possible in my everyday life!

Can you tell us a little bit about your Reiki Business?
I love love love love to teach, that is one of my major focuses in my healing business. I also do in-person and long distance healing. I have a Reiki room in my home, and I really enjoy coming into this healing space after a long day of work to help replenish my energy. I have really enjoyed helping people learn to heal themselves. I advertise on Social Media and offer specials to local residents who have never experienced Reiki.
What do you find most rewarding about being a professional Reiki Practitioner?
Another great question! I believe the ability to help people realize that they are their own best healer! I love when clients reach out and we can come together to find the best course of action for their healing process. I love to share my stories of struggle and grief, I believe it helps others realize they are not alone and it helps to provide a safe space for them to begin their own unique healing journey.
What is your greater challenge as a Reiki Practitioner?
I would love to expand my current Reiki Practice, however finding the right facility has been a little more challenging than I had anticipated.
What has been your greatest achievement in your Reiki Business to date?
This is a two-fold answer – firstly, the ability to provide FREE Reiki to parents who have lost a child is the most rewarding. Secondly, having been able to teach dozens of new Reiki Practitioners!
What is your biggest goal for your Reiki business at the moment?
My dream would to open a huge warehouse type of facility for all healing modalities to work together. I would love a space where all healers can come together and provide their healing techniques to the public. A space where Yoga, Aromatherapy, Massage, Dance, Reiki & Chakra healing can be found!
What is your favourite quote, motto or words of wisdom that inspires you in your personal and professional life?
My personal motto is: Helping people learn to heal themselves One Chakra at a Time…

If you could give just one piece of advice to a new Reiki practitioner, what would it be?
DO NOT give up, the clients will come, BELIEVE in yourself. There are so any people in need of learning how to heal themselves, the WORLD needs more healers!!
How do you describe Reiki to people who are new to Reiki or may not have experienced or heard about it?
Through the years I’ve made it as simple as possible, I tell people Reiki is like a massage, for you mind, body and soul. I use the no-hands Reiki approach, so I explain that when you have a Reiki session, you will feel lighter, relaxed and hopefully feel more at peace.
How do you make sure you ground yourself/protect your energy when working with Reiki and the public?
Oh this is so important, I try to begin each morning with my Gassho, Reiji Ho, 5 Reiki precepts and then cover my whole body with the golden healing light of Reiki from my crown to my feet. If I’m in a hurry and I forget to do this first thing in the morning, I will work through the rituals as soon as I remember, whether I’m in the shower, getting into my car or even sitting at work. Sometime life happens and things get busy and I may forget, but I don’t get upset with myself. I think it you do these rituals whenever you remember, whether that is daily, weekly, or when you can, its good to find a routine that will work for you.
How would you define Total Wellness?
It all starts from within! When you start your day full of gratitude you beam the highest vibration to everyone around you. When you are able to calm your mind, body and soul, that’s when the true healing begins. This is a life-long process, healing is not a one session and done, it’s about changing your lifestyle to have a healthier mind and body. I try daily to be a better version of myself compared to the day before. Some days I crush it, some days not so much – but everyday I’m grateful for all that I have.
Do you have a message for your fellow RHA members who are changing the world alongside you, one reiki session and workshop at a time?
YES !!! I’m so grateful to be alongside all of you honoring Usui and his love of Reiki. The ripple effect we are creating bringing awareness to the mainstream of Reiki and all the amazing benefits Reiki provides to us, it so inspiring! We are collectively raising the frequency of everyone and everything around US! It is truly an honor to be a Reiki Master Teacher in this time of great awakening throughout the World. How lucky am I to be able to help others learn to heal themselves! Thank you RHA for supporting us all.