The Top 19 Branding Quotes For Budding Reiki Entrepreneurs
Creating an awesome personal Reiki brand is perhaps the most important thing you can do when it comes to ensuring the success of your online Reiki practice. We have put together a list of 19 of the best branding quotes from some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and branding experts. Their branding advice can provide you with invaluable insights into the secrets of effective branding and help you create and establish your own Awesome Reiki Brand.
19 Inspiring Quotes About Branding:
#1. “A brand is a voice, and a product is a souvenir.” – Lisa Gansky
#2. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things differently.” – Warren Buffett
#3. “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” – Jeff Bezos
#4. “If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.” – David Brier
#5. “A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” – Seth Godin
#6. “If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.“ – Howard Schultz
#7. “Products are made in a factory, but brands are created in the mind.” – Walter Landor
#8. “Your personal brand serves as your best protection against business factors you can’t control.” – Dan Schawbel
#9. “Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.” – Steve Forbes
10. “If people like you – they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” – Zig Ziglar
#11. “Personal branding is about managing your name — even if you don’t own a business — in a world of misinformation, disinformation, and semi-permanent Google records.” – Tim Ferriss
#12. “Branding is the process of connecting good strategy with good creativity.” – Marty Neumeier
#13. “Brand is the sum total of how someone perceives a particular organization. Branding is about shaping that perception.” – Ashley Friedlein
#14. “Branding demands commitment; commitment to continual re-invention; striking chords with people to stir their emotions; and commitment to imagination. It is easy to be cynical about such things, much harder to be successful.” – Sir Richard Branson
#15. “Identity is cause; brand is effect, and the strength of the former influences the strength of the latter.” – Larry Ackerman
#16. “Start by knowing what you want and who you are, build credibility around it and deliver it online in a compelling way.” – Krista Neher
#17. “The most important thing to remember is you must know your audience.” – Lewis Howes
#18. “Your personal brand is a promise to your clients… a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability.” – Jason Hartman
#19. “Your brand is a gateway to your true work. You know you are here to do something – to create something or help others in some way. The question is, how can you set up your life and work so that you can do it? The answer lies in your brand. When you create a compelling brand, you attract people who want the promise of your brand – which you deliver.” – Dave Buck
Your brand identity is your chance to set yourself and your Reiki business apart from the noise and the competition, so make the most of it. The 19 thought provoking branding quotes above are the perfect starting point to get your creative juices flowing, and if you can embrace the thoughts and wisdom of some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, you’ll be on the path to creating, building and developing your own Awesome Reiki Brand.