Exploring the Distance Symbol Through Food – The Origin of All is Pure Consciousness
Last month’s blog gave us a deeper appreciation and awareness of the meaning of the Reiki symbols. The meaning of each symbol as well as its energetic application; reminded and renewed my appreciation for each symbol. For me the July blog, led me into reflective mode and to my personal journal entries I had made concerning my practice with the symbols in the past. More specifically, I reflected on my practice of using Reiki symbols while I cook. Today I share specifically with readers, part of my experience of using the Distance Symbol (HSZSN) while I engaged in cooking during the pandemic.
One of my Reiki Master teachers taught me that the Distance Healing Symbol, meant “The Origin of All is Pure Consciousness.” When I was initially attuned to the Reiki energy, I found this symbol to be fascinating as there were no restrictions with time and space. I could use this symbol to send Reiki energy to any traumatic event from my past, use it to send Distance healing to someone in a different location and even use it for an upcoming event or meeting if I knew the date and time. Over time, especially after I became a Reiki Master, I realized that my intuition was guiding me as to which symbol was needed during a session or throughout my day. Sometimes I would be prompted to use all the symbols I was attuned to and at other times, I would be promoted to use only one symbol.
This article highlights two examples of my use of the Distance symbol in the kitchen with the baking of my dad’s birthday cake and also bread.
Cake Making
I started by beaming reiki to all of the ingredients for the cake. I then began to recite HSZSN like a mantra throughout the process. Intuitively, I started to say HSZSN to each ingredient and the visuals poured in from my mind’s eye. From the flour, I saw wheat plains from where the wheat originated. The cherry essence and pieces of cherries came from what looked like a cherry estate. Even the baking pan while I was greasing it, I began to see beams of iron from which the pan originated, then also Iron coming from its Source – Mother Earth. Each aspect of the process brought tremendous calm and a connectedness to everything that I was using in the recipe.
The use of HSZSN brought a different level of awareness, understanding and appreciation to even using the icing sugar and fondant for the cake decorating. From the dust of the icing sugar, I saw white lollipops with red stripes, representing sweetness. In the time of the pandemic, Trinidad & Tobago experienced a range of restrictions from full lockdown measures, state of emergency, curfew hours, to easing of restrictions for certain sectors in the economy. At the time of my journaling and having this experience in 2021, the retail sector had just re-opened, but the country was still experiencing a mix of emotions towards restrictions, government decisions and the dynamic of vaccinated vs unvaccinated individuals.

At that point in time in the country, there were also lots of jokes and memes concerning the pandemic, so I decided to do a pandemic themed cake for my father’s birthday. HSZSN seemed to provide a heightened clarity as well as provided additional insight into the level of healing happening within the space of “no past, no present, no future. The phrase I used “As of midnight tonight” on the cake design as this was always the opening line of the Prime Minister’s speech when restrictive measures were about to be imposed in the country and also the opening lines to many memes in the country at that time. I incorporated both humour and the seriousness of this worldwide situation in the birthday cake. The application of HSZSN to the words on the cake, while on one level it represented restrictions being imposed, the continuous saying of the HSZSN, I saw eventually understanding from the public that the government was applying these measures for the health and safety of the people. I felt Reiki go to the much needed population of Trinidad & Tobago.

HSZSN revealed that the little surgical masks on the cake represented “suffocation” and “being stifled”. Although masks were mandated to be worn in public spaces at that point in time in Trinidad & Tobago, the use of the Distance Symbol brought a feeling of people taking big deep breaths, breathing with ease and having resiliency while their daily life continued. The hand sanitizer symbolized clean, clarity and purity. The names Moderna, J & J and Sinopharm visually came up as “world ranked vaccines”, but not readily accepted by the population. As I beamed HSZSN to the vaccine names, I began to get a sense of the population reaching to a state of acceptance and having peace of mind. By using the Distance Symbol, I also felt a sense of clarity that the cake itself would reflect oneness, harmony, connectedness and peace for all the individuals at the birthday party and to their outlook about the situation.
Bread Making
As I lay out all the dry ingredients in the bowl, I began mentally saying HSZSN. I saw the kanji for the word Reiki above the bowl and the bowl seemed to be filled with a purple cloud. I kneaded the ingredients to a smooth ball. As it rested and I continued to say HSZSN, I felt a lot of harmony from the dough. In my mind’s eye, I saw the dough ball beat with the frequency of the sound HSZSN, looking like a beating heart. The beating heart looked like cymatics. When the dough was initially kneaded, I saw the words “PERFECTION” written all over the bowl and dough.
One of the first things that I was taught about Reiki was that Reiki flows to where it is most needed and most of the time, we don’t know the source of what is being healed. Applying Reiki to the ingredients, I felt a deeper appreciation and gratitude not just to Mother Earth for providing sustenance while I am alive on my journey; but also to all the farmers, employees and workers involved in every step of the process to get this ingredient to me. It is only in gratitude can we really be aware of the things we take for granted. In using flour or even eating flour products; have we ever really thought about all the individuals and their energetic fields in getting this product to us? It is only when I started to use my Reiki symbols in the kitchen, did I truly begin to feel a more connectedness to my earthly journey and also tremendous healing in ways that is difficult to describe and comprehend. Reiki flows to everything in our reality and removes any obstacles that disrupt our connection to Source. Let’s us not take our food for granted and may we realize that in each molecule, it connects all.
While the dough was resting, the clear wrap over the pan came with visuals of like a blue tarpaulin, protecting Mother’s Earth most precious resources to be eaten and consumed by humanity. When the dough had completely risen, I saw “PERFECTION” again followed by “ZERO STATE” – the origin of all is pure consciousness. Everything seemed to flow in perfect harmony and it also seemed that all energetic ties coming from the ingredients were “cleared” during the process of using the symbol like a mantra.

Sometimes we take for granted the literal meaning of the Reiki symbols when we have read about them and what we were taught in our Reiki classes. The symbols have their own individual power and purpose but I do believe that the personal meaning and different experiences come up depending on our individual practice, use and level of engagement. During the Pandemic, I was divinely inspired to repeat the symbol name of HSZSN continuously throughout the entire baking and decorating process. In fact, it really opened up my awareness to a different level of appreciation and gratitude for having the resources, the ingredients and the Divine direction which was received. It also gave me insight that I should maintain this practice with different objects, tasks and household chores so that I could see the deeper meaning behind them.
I do hope that individuals are inspired to experiment with how they can use their Reiki symbols during their daily lives. Reiki brings a level of healing which we cannot comprehend. Reiki imbues everything we encounter once we invite it. As I close, I leave you with the words of William Blake,
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.”
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