Healing Past Lives with the Reiki Symbols
Healing Past Lives with the Reiki Symbols: RHA Member Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, shares her experience sending Reiki to past lives, and explores the benefits of using Reiki to cleanse spiritual baggage from the past
“…We begin to understand that there really is only one Eternal Moment, and this is the space that we enter when we send distant healing to the past life. We are not trying to say that the event never took place. We are simply trying to heal that past life so that we do not have to carry the spiritual baggage forward…”
One of the most amazing aspects of Reiki is that the Reiki symbols carry an ancient energy of healing that has its own innate intelligence. As we learn to use the symbols, they become integrated into our energy field so that their effectiveness increases as we learn to relax and let them do their work. It is important to remember that the Reiki energy always knows what is for the highest good, and we need to release the energy to do it’s work without any expectations or goals in mind. Let the Reiki do it’s thing! The Universal Life Force always knows what is for the highest and best of all concerned, and that is the energy that unleashes the miracle power of Reiki. That being said, let us explore the use of the Reiki symbols in healing our past lives.
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Some of the most fascinating experiences in my time as a Reiki Master Teacher are the spontaneous past life regressions that my students will occasionally have during their attunement ceremony. This is a very profound experience to witness.
When it happens, I thank the Reiki energy on behalf of my student, because the energy is sending the student a very powerful clue. More often than not, this clue reveals a past life experience where the student was wounded in some way, and there is healing required so that the spiritual baggage is released and not carried forward into this lifetime.
Common themes of fears, phobias, and challenges that the student experiences in this lifetime can often be traced back to the past life highlighted by the Reiki attunement. In all cases, this is a sign to send distant Reiki to the past life, to heal and release the spiritual baggage associated with it.
Past life visions during attunement can be very profound.
When the student lets me know about the experience, I always recommend that we send the Reiki symbols to the past life, to heal and release the lifetime and honour the life lesson that it is providing us.
When we begin to learn about the Universal Life Force during Reiki training, we begin to understand that there really is only one Eternal Moment, and this is the space that we enter when we send distant healing to the past life. We are not trying to say that the event never took place. We are simply trying to heal that past life so that we do not have to carry the spiritual baggage forward. When this healing occurs and we have honoured the lesson from that past life, we can release whatever we are dragging around from it in this one.
This is especially true in the case of fears and phobias. When we heal the past life with Reiki, these fears and phobias usually just fall away, leaving us in peace to enjoy our current life without an echo of the past that can cause suffering.
Here is a simple process to send Reiki to your past lives. Each lifetime should be treated separately, and this process should not be rushed. Just relax and let Reiki do the work.
Sending Reiki to your Past Lives
• Sit in a comfortable position, hands in prayer position over your Heart chakra, eyes closed.
• Take three deep breaths, each time envisioning the healing light of Reiki filling your body up and surrounding your body with healing and protection.
• Ask the Reiki to flow to the past life that you are wanting to heal.
• Lift your prayer hands up to your third eye area and envision the past life in your mind’s eye. At the same time, ask Reiki to send distance healing to this past life, for the highest good of all concerned.
• You may now put your hands down in a comfortable position and begin to beam the Reiki symbols to the past life, in whatever way feels right for you. This will work for all Reiki traditions, no matter what symbols are used. Use all of the symbols that you are attuned to, as there are so many issues within past lives that will need to be healed. The Reiki symbols will know what to do.
• When you intuitively feel that you are finished, once again place your hands in prayer position and thank Reiki for the healing.
• Open your eyes
Usually at this point, you will have a deep awareness of what the past life was trying to teach you spiritually. As you move forward in your day to day life, you may find a beautiful peace in areas of your life where before you carried stress, tension, and fear.
Once the spiritual lessons of our past lives have been honoured and processed, we are free to move forward and focus on the current life that we are living. This is an amazing use for Reiki, and one that I invite you to experience for yourself.
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Author Bio
Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD is a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Mentor and Coach. She works with clients and students worldwide by phone or webcam. She has an active spiritual ministry and is an Ordained Minister who has been awarded her Doctor of Divinity degree. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on scientific research proving the power of prayer. She uses the information from her research to help her clients heal and overcome their challenges in all areas.
Website: www.revdrtracycox.com
RHA Profile: https://reikihealingassociation.com/directory/rev-dr-tracy-cox-dd/