Finding Peace in an Age of Information Overload
RHA Member Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, explores the positive role Reiki can play in the fast-paced modern world.
“…Common sense and human kindness seem to be taking a back seat in this tsunami of information. It is overwhelming and disconcerting…”

Are you feeling an ever-increasing tension in the world today? Is it affecting you negatively? If you are a spiritual person, I am sure that you are sensing that the energies here on Earth are increasingly chaotic. New ways of doing things, new attitudes and new inventions such as the use of A.I. seem to be leading us to a faster and faster paced life, with many of us feeling increasingly uneasy. Common sense and human kindness seem to be taking a back seat in this tsunami of information. It is overwhelming and disconcerting. As a Reiki Master Teacher and member of the clergy I am often asked if there is anything that we can do to help ourselves and humanity find peace during this time of upheaval and chaos.
As Reiki practitioners, we are regarded as people who should be calm and peaceful in the face of any difficulty. While this is something we all strive for, we are also human. The world that we live in is increasingly stressful, chaotic and sometimes distressing. We are constantly assaulted with new ways of doing things and new ways of thinking. Quite often the ideas presented by the media are very confusing. It seems very difficult to find out the actual truth about any topic in this time of information overload. Many of my Reiki clients and students are feeling overwhelmed and discouraged.
Instead of feeling defeated by the current world situation, I feel that we should remember that, as lightworkers, we have been placed in this time period to bring our healing energy to the world. Now is the time to join together as energy workers and use our collective Reiki energy to bring about peace, healing and understanding for all of humanity. We can do it! We were made for this!
Here are some simple steps to find peace in this fast-paced world, and to help all of humanity process and heal during these times of change.

1. Turn off your phone and devices an hour before you go to bed.
This is such a simple and important thing to do and you will see the benefits immediately. Have you ever checked your phone one last time right before bed, only to find an email or text that needs your attention right away? This type of thing will always disturb your sleep, as your subconscious mind will start working on the subject, whether you like it or not! Give yourself the luxury of turning off your devices an hour before you go to bed. You can deal with your emails or texts in the morning, and you will find that you sleep much more soundly. Give it a try and see!
2. Turn off the news as much as possible
I like to call newscasters “The Merchants of Doom”. Much of the news is presented in a very negative way, and quite often predictions of doom and gloom never actually happen. If we constantly expose ourselves to this negativity, it will drain our energy. The way to combat this is to refuse to participate. This is a beautiful world that the Universal Life Force has given us, and as lightworkers we are here to raise the positive energy surrounding us all. Try turning off the news and create your own world full of love and light. You will be surprised at how much better you feel!
3.Practice daily Self Reiki, finishing off with sending Reiki to all of humanity, and to our beautiful planet Earth
Are you remembering to do your Self Reiki? This is such a simple way to raise the vibration here on Earth, because as we heal, we help those around us to heal as well. Our healing energy radiates out to our loved ones, friends, communities, nations, and the world. Never underestimate the power of being a lightworker! Make sure to send all the Reiki symbols to yourself and all of humanity. There is so much going on under the surface at this time, so using all the symbols that you are attuned to will be very powerful.
4.Gather with your fellow Reiki practitioners and other energy workers to send love, light and healing to all of humanity and the Earth.
Try to do this regularly, through Reiki shares and other spiritual gatherings. As we begin to blanket the Earth with Reiki and positive energy, peace and healing for all will be facilitated through spontaneous acts of generosity and kindness. Humanity will begin to wake up to its divine potential due to the increased positive vibrations that will be released by joining together with other lightworkers to bring peace to the world.
Always remember that the Universal Life Force placed you here at this time to help heal the world. There are no coincidences! The time is now for all lightworkers to unite and help raise the vibration here on Earth. As a Reiki practitioner, you are a powerful force for change. Embrace that power now and use it. You were born into this time for a reason. As you help bring peace into this current reality, you will bring peace into your own life as well. Don’t wait to use your gifts to bring peace to this world. Start today and watch the magic unfold!
About the Author:
Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD is a Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Mentor and Coach. She works with clients and students worldwide by phone or webcam. She has an active spiritual ministry and is an Ordained Minister who has been awarded her Doctor of Divinity degree. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on scientific research proving the power of prayer. She uses the information from her research to help her clients heal and overcome their challenges in all areas.
Website: www.revdrtracycox.com
Socials: /revdrtracycox

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