Reiki and the Strawberry Moon
As Reiki practitioners, we are constantly attuned to the natural energies around us, drawing upon them to enhance our healing work. One of the most potent sources of this energy is the moon, whose phases influence our emotions, physical bodies, and spiritual practices. Among the moon’s many phases, the Strawberry Moon holds a special place for its unique energy and significance. In this blog, we will explore the Strawberry Moon and how you can integrate its powerful energy into your Reiki practice.

What is the Strawberry Moon?
The Strawberry Moon is a term used to describe the full moon that occurs in June. The name “Strawberry Moon” originates from Native American tribes, specifically the Algonquin tribes, who used this name to mark the period when strawberries were ripe and ready to be harvested.
This moon also signals the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, a period of growth, abundance, and renewal. For Reiki practitioners, the Strawberry Moon is an excellent time to harness the potent energy of this lunar phase to amplify healing, set new intentions, and deepen your spiritual connection.
The Strawberry Moon carries rich symbolism:
- Growth and Abundance: Just as strawberries flourish and ripen during this period, the Strawberry Moon encourages us to focus on growth and abundance in our lives and practices. It’s a time to nurture our intentions and watch them bloom.
- Renewal and Healing: With the start of summer, this moon brings a sense of renewal and healing. It’s an opportune moment to cleanse our energy, release past wounds, and rejuvenate our spirit.
- Connection to Nature: The Strawberry Moon’s ties to the harvest and nature remind us to remain grounded and connected to the Earth’s rhythms, which are fundamental to our Reiki practice.
The strawberry moon is expected to be visible on June 21 this year, just one day after the summer solstice. Below is a Ritual and Meditation guide you may find useful to mark this time of year. 🙏
Harnessing the Strawberry Moon’s Energy in Your Reiki Practice
Here are some ways to integrate the Strawberry Moon’s energy into your Reiki practice:
- Full Moon Meditation: On the night of the Strawberry Moon, find a quiet space outdoors where you can sit comfortably under the moonlight. Begin with a grounding meditation, focusing on your breath and feeling the earth beneath you. Visualize the moon’s light filling your body, cleansing your energy, and amplifying your intentions.
- Strawberry Moon Reiki Session: Offer a special Reiki session during the Strawberry Moon, either for yourself or a client. Incorporate elements of the season, such as fresh strawberries, flowers, or herbs, to enhance the connection to this lunar energy. As you channel Reiki, set the intention for growth, healing, and abundance.
- Lunar Water Charging: Create moon-charged water by placing a bowl of water under the moonlight overnight. Use this charged water to cleanse your Reiki tools, crystals, or even as a refreshing spritz for yourself, infusing your practice with the moon’s powerful energy.
- Journaling and Intention Setting: Take time to journal about your goals, dreams, and intentions. Reflect on what you wish to cultivate in your life and practice. Write these down and place them in a sacred space where you can revisit and reaffirm them throughout the lunar cycle.
- Reiki Circle or Group Session: Gather with fellow Reiki practitioners to share and amplify the Strawberry Moon’s energy. Conduct a group meditation, perform Reiki exchanges, and discuss how this lunar phase influences your practices and intentions.
Reiki Ritual or Circle for the Strawberry Full Moon
1. Cleanse the Space: Before the ritual begins, cleanse your space with sage, palo santo, or your preferred method of purification. Set up your space with items that resonate with the energy of the Strawberry Full Moon, such as strawberries, rose quartz, moonstone, candles, and fresh flowers.
2. Set an Altar: Arrange your altar with symbols of the moon, strawberries, and any other personal items that invoke the energy of love, abundance, and fruition. You may include a bowl of water to represent the moon’s connection to water.
3. Grounding and Centering: Sit quietly for a few moments to ground and center yourself. Take a few deep breaths and visualize roots extending from your feet into the earth, anchoring you firmly.
1. Opening the Circle: Stand or sit comfortably, facing your altar. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. With each breath, feel yourself connecting deeper with the energy of the Earth and the Moon.
2. Call in the Directions: Facing each direction (East, South, West, and North), say the following:
– East: “I call upon the energies of the East, the element of Air. Bring clarity and inspiration to this ritual.”
– South: “I call upon the energies of the South, the element of Fire. Bring passion and transformation to this ritual.”
– West: “I call upon the energies of the West, the element of Water. Bring intuition and healing to this ritual.”
– North: “I call upon the energies of the North, the element of Earth. Bring stability and grounding to this ritual.”
3. Invoke the Moon: “I call upon the energies of the Strawberry Full Moon, the moon of abundance and fruition. Fill this space with your light and power. Guide us in our journey of healing and manifestation.”
Reiki Session
1. Self-Reiki or Partner Reiki:
– If working alone, begin a self-Reiki session by placing your hands on your body, starting at the crown and moving down to the feet. Visualize the full moon’s light flowing through you, filling you with healing energy.
– If working with a partner, take turns giving and receiving Reiki. Start at the head and move down to the feet, visualizing the moonlight enhancing the Reiki energy.
2. Strawberry Blessing:
– Hold a fresh strawberry in your hands. Close your eyes and infuse the strawberry with your intentions and the energy of the full moon. Visualize your goals and desires being absorbed into the fruit.
– Eat the strawberry mindfully, feeling the energy and intentions being integrated into your being.
Closing the Circle
1. Gratitude: Stand or sit comfortably. Close your eyes and bring your hands to your heart. Take a moment to express gratitude for the energy and guidance received during the ritual. Thank the moon, the directions, and any spiritual beings you invoked.
2. Release the Directions: Facing each direction, say the following:
– East: “Thank you, energies of the East, for your presence and guidance. Depart in peace.”
– South: “Thank you, energies of the South, for your presence and guidance. Depart in peace.”
– West: “Thank you, energies of the West, for your presence and guidance. Depart in peace.”
– North: “Thank you, energies of the North, for your presence and guidance. Depart in peace.”
3. Closing the Circle: Visualize the circle of light surrounding your space gently dissipating into the Earth. Take a deep breath and open your eyes, feeling grounded and centered. 🙏

Meditation Script for the Strawberry Full Moon
Welcome to this guided meditation for the Strawberry Full Moon. Find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your body to relax and release any tension.
Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet, reaching deep into the earth. Feel the stability and support of the ground beneath you. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more grounded and connected to the Earth.
Connection with the Moon
Now, bring your awareness to the sky above you. Visualize the full moon, round and radiant, shining brightly in the night sky. Feel the moon’s soft, silver light gently enveloping you, filling you with its calming and nurturing energy.
Imagine yourself standing in a lush strawberry field under the light of the full moon. The air is warm, and the sweet scent of ripe strawberries fills the air. As you walk through the field, you feel a deep sense of peace and contentment.
Find a spot in the field where you can sit comfortably. As you sit down, notice a basket of fresh, ripe strawberries beside you. Each strawberry represents an intention, goal, or desire you wish to manifest.
Setting Intentions
Pick up one strawberry and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes and focus on your first intention. Visualize it clearly in your mind. See it, feel it, and experience it as if it has already come to fruition. As you do, infuse the strawberry with this intention.
When you are ready, eat the strawberry slowly and mindfully, feeling the energy of your intention being integrated into your being. Repeat this process with as many strawberries as you have intentions.
Receiving Reiki Energy
Now, place your hands on your heart, feeling the warmth and energy of the Reiki flowing through you. Imagine the full moon’s light intensifying, enhancing the Reiki energy within and around you. Allow this combined energy to fill your entire being, healing and balancing every part of you.
Gratitude and Closing
Take a few moments to express gratitude for the energy and guidance you have received during this meditation. Thank the moon, the Earth, and yourself for this beautiful experience.
When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Wiggle your fingers and toes, stretch your body, and open your eyes. Take a deep breath and carry the peace and energy of this meditation with you.
Thank you for joining this meditation. May the light of the Strawberry Full Moon continue to guide and inspire you. 🙏

Powerful Affirmations for the Full Moon
The full moon is a time of culmination, celebration, and reflection. It’s an ideal moment to harness lunar energy for releasing what no longer serves you and embracing what you wish to manifest. Here are some powerful affirmations to use during the full moon to enhance your spiritual practice and personal growth:
- “I release all that no longer serves me, with love and gratitude.”
- “I let go of old habits, patterns, and beliefs that limit my growth.”
- “I am free from past hurt and open to new beginnings.”
- “I am aligned with the energy of abundance and prosperity.”
- “I attract wealth, health, and happiness effortlessly.”
- “My life is filled with blessings and opportunities.”
- “I welcome growth and expansion into my life with open arms.”
- “I am constantly evolving and becoming my best self.”
- “I nurture my dreams and watch them flourish.”
- “Prosperity flows effortlessly into my life.”
- “I am aligned with the abundant energy of the universe.”
- “I embrace the energy of renewal and fresh beginnings.”
- “I release the old and welcome the new with joy and anticipation.”
- “Each day brings new opportunities for growth and renewal.”
- “I am deeply connected to the rhythms of nature and the cycles of the moon.”
- “Nature’s abundance reflects in every aspect of my life.”
- “I honor the earth and its gifts, cultivating harmony within and around me.”
- “I manifest my desires with ease and grace.”
- “My intentions are clear, focused, and aligned with my highest good.”
- “I am a powerful creator, and my dreams are becoming reality.”

How to Charge your Crystals in a Full Moon
Charging crystals under a full moon is a powerful way to cleanse and amplify their energy. The full moon’s light is believed to be especially potent, making it an ideal time to recharge your crystals. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to charge your crystals during a full moon:
Step-by-Step Guide to Charging Crystals in a Full Moon
- Select Your Crystals:
- Gather the crystals you wish to charge. Different crystals have different energies, so choose those you feel need cleansing or recharging.
- Cleanse Your Crystals:
- Before charging, cleanse your crystals to remove any negative energy they may have absorbed. You can cleanse them by:
- Smudging with sage or palo santo.
- Placing them in a bowl of sea salt for a few hours.
- Running them under cool, clean water (check that your crystals are water-safe).
- Before charging, cleanse your crystals to remove any negative energy they may have absorbed. You can cleanse them by:
- Prepare a Space:
- Find a suitable place outside where your crystals can absorb the moonlight. A garden, balcony, or windowsill with direct moon exposure is ideal. Ensure the area is clean and sacred to create a positive environment for charging.
- Set Your Intention:
- As you place your crystals in the moonlight, set a clear intention for what you wish to achieve. This could be cleansing, recharging, or infusing the crystals with a specific energy. Speak your intention aloud or hold it in your mind.
- Arrange the Crystals:
- Lay out your crystals on a natural surface, like the ground, grass, or a cloth. Spread them out so they each receive maximum exposure to the moonlight.
- Leave Them Overnight:
- Leave your crystals in the moonlight overnight. The full moon’s energy peaks around midnight, so it’s beneficial to keep them out until the morning. If you’re concerned about dew or other environmental factors, you can bring them inside before dawn.
- Retrieve and Use:
- In the morning, retrieve your crystals. They should now be fully charged and ready to use. Store them in a safe, sacred space or carry them with you to benefit from their enhanced energy.
Closing Thoughts
The Strawberry Moon offers a unique opportunity to deepen our Reiki practice by connecting with the natural cycles and the potent energy of this lunar phase. By embracing the growth, abundance, and healing that the Strawberry Moon symbolizes, we can enhance our Reiki sessions and align more closely with the rhythms of nature. May this Strawberry Moon bring you renewed energy, profound healing, and abundant blessings on your Reiki journey.
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