This Reiki Disclaimer Should be Hung in Every Reiki Room

Reiki doesn’t care what you look like or how old you are.
Reiki doesn’t care where you are from or the language you speak.
Reiki doesn’t care how much money you have or what clothes you wear as you sit down to perform some healing.
Reiki doesn’t care when the last time you practiced was – whether it was yesterday or 5 months ago because life got busy.
Reiki doesn’t care if you forgot a hand position or skipped a step or can’t remember how to draw the symbols.
Reiki doesn’t care if you are just starting out and are still trying to get your head around new things.
Reiki doesn’t care who your Teacher is or if you’ve had a few and still haven’t found one you connect with yet.
Reiki doesn’t care how spiritual or enlightened you are.
Reiki doesn’t care where you choose to practice self-healing, whether its in your bed or car or home studio or at your local wellness centre.
Reiki doesn’t care if you never move past level 1 and just want to work on yourself.
Reiki doesn’t care what religion you believe in.
Reiki doesn’t care about the colour of your skin, your politics or who you choose to love.
Reiki doesn’t care if you are single or divorced or maybe its complicated.
Reiki doesn’t care if you let the worries consume you today or you forget to be mindful in the madness of real life.
Reiki is just happy you are choosing to find more peace, more hope, more balance, more relaxation.
Reiki wants what is best for you.
Reiki believes in you.
Reiki wants you to take it one day at a time.
Reiki is your ally. Your friend. There to support you without judgement (even if you forget about it sometimes).
Reiki the universal life force is all inclusive, pure unconditional love and light.
Reiki is whatever you want it to be in your own unique journey – and that is Reiki’s true beauty and power.

Based on original article ‘Disclaimer for Yoga Studios’ published on ElephantJournal.com
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