Using Reiki Symbols: Incorporating the Reiki Symbols in your Daily Life
While Reiki can be applied to many international situations and causes, life events and for personal healing; sometimes it is good to remind ourselves of the simple ways Reiki can be applied in our daily living. Conscious daily intention in applying reiki to everyday tasks, allows it to flow to wherever it is needed most and brings tremendous healing and peace and calm to the individual.
One of the most valuable lessons I am learning on my path and journey with Reiki, is that it is a lifestyle. The more it becomes a lifestyle, the more it transforms your journey and guides you moment to moment with where you need to go and where you need to be. Here are some popular ways that I have used Reiki and applied the Reiki symbols:
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The Element of Water
Water is a most important and valuable resource and if science says our body is made up of 45-70% water and the earth’s surface is comprised of approximately 71% water then imagine all the various ways Reiki symbols can be applied to this element.
We all drink water daily and it is recommended we drink at least 8 glasses a day of water. Try imbuing your glass or water bottles with all Reiki symbols or the symbol that resonates the most with you at that point in time. As you sip throughout your day, the reiki energy will bring continuous healing.
Applying reiki symbols to your shower head and setting different intentions can work to empower you, heal you or simply wash away any negative emotions. Have those Reiki symbols transmute all the ill feelings from the day. Having the opportunity to sit and soak in the bathtub while setting the conscious intention of a particular symbol is also another way to enhance the power of your bath. You will definitely feel the symbols of Reiki soak through all the pores of your skin. In fact bodies of water are so therapeutic, they cleanse, heal, teach us to flow, helps us to release and let go; why not apply reiki symbols to them; so that our conscious intention will work with what is divinely right for us at the point in time. Imagine having the opportunity to go into a pool or beach or even the ocean and applying reiki symbols to that body of water. I can attest that there is a feeling of being one with the Universe and how majestic that moment is!
Using Reiki Symbols in Gardening
Imagine if Reiki connects us to the Divine consciousness as living beings, what it can do for your plants. Beaming reiki to the water or to the plant and soil itself, can send not only good energy to the plant; but also brings the plant and yourself in total harmony with the Divine flow of Reiki. Picturing symbols on the soil or even if you are setting seedlings is a fantastic way to set a loving intention to the plant, so it grows with love and adds to the beauty of your surroundings or to be used in the kitchen. Experiment with the symbols and pay attention to which symbols resonate with you the most in your garden.
Modes of Transportation
Drawing the Reiki symbols on your steering wheel before you start your vehicle or even while the car is in motion, is a fantastic way to feel the flow of energy not just through yourself, but to the vehicle that you are driving. I imagine it as an act of pure gratitude and love for the mode of transportation I am able to use. It also ensures that I remain calm while on my journey towards my destination. I would imagine people taking a taxi, subway or train can also visualize reiki symbols along the roads, train tracks or even the train itself. A tip for those fearful of flights and long airplane destinations – surround the airplane with a Reiki bubble; envisioning the bubble is filled with your favourite symbols or all symbols; for a safe and smooth flight and touchdown!
Meals made with love
One of my most favourite ways to use Reiki symbols is in the kitchen. I use it like a mantra sometimes just repeating while I measure out ingredients and other times I use it from the time I am in the kitchen to the end of the cooking process. It could be a biased observation, but I do notice that food infused and made with Reiki symbols, are perfection from look to taste buds! In February 2022, I turned 44 and I had the vision of making a Reiki themed cake from the year before. I can indeed say it was a labour of love to myself, to my journey with Reiki and to the loved ones who enjoyed every bite of the cake.
In a world where we are connected digitally, it is easy to treat communication very routine with the fast pace of life. Browsing social media and responding to emails may become so routine that is it easy to miss the fact that this is a perfect way to use Reiki symbols to enhance your digital communication. I have drawn Reiki symbols on finished emails and even beamed Reiki to the screen before I pressed “Send”.
Enhancing work paced emails or even replying to tension filled correspondence with reiki symbols drawn or even repeated mentally while completing the task, will deliver the email with peace and love; and also leave you with a feeling of calm and completeness. Even beaming Reiki symbols to a presentation that you have to deliver will send Reiki to the audience while you are presenting.
Paper documents needing your signature can also be imbued with Reiki. The power of inviting a particular symbol and touching a document I believe can have a tremendous effect in ways our logical mind cannot understand. I have the habit of lightly and swiftly dragging my finger from the top of a page to the bottom of a page before I sign it. In this process, I envision that the document is cleared of any personal energy I may have left on it and also that the document is in a state of wholeness to go forward to wherever it needs to be.
Reiki is a path that encourages you to be your most authentic self. It in fact helps you discover your life purpose and helps you to embrace your life journey the more you apply and use it. While I have given my most tried and true ways to apply Reiki and use the Reiki Symbols, it is easy to see that symbols can be intuitively applied to anything; from appliances to crystals and jewellery. The uses for Reiki and the symbols are infinite. Just invite it in and allow it to flow.
Pin this for later! Using the Reiki Symbols Everyday
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Author Bio
Akleema Ali, RMT, finds joy and excitement in her life journey by educating and increasing awareness about Reiki in Trinidad & Tobago.